Monday, January 31, 2022

Extra Post; The Society of Professional Journalists & Me

The Society of Professional Journalists & Me 

    As a Journalism major, I do my best to get involved with as many organizations and connect with professionals to help me in my future endeavors. One organization that I am so grateful I joined early on is The Society of Professional Journalists. 

    The Society of Professional Journalists is a professional organization that includes broadcast, print and online journalists, journalism educators, and students interested in journalism as a career. They work to improve and protect journalism. The organization is also the nation's most broad-based journalism organization. The SPJ is dedicated to encouraging the free practice of journalism and holding high standards for ethical behavior.

    I decided to join the Society of Professional Journalists the first semester of my freshman year as one of my professors strongly urged me to do so. I am so grateful that I joined. Not only have I been able to get a more professional outlet for journalism, but also gain connections with upperclassmen and professors who want to help me succeed in my career. The SPJ at High Point also participates in many of the conferences and award programs they hold, so I'm looking forward to becoming involved with those as well. 

    The Society of Professional Journalists has a mission to encourage a climate in which journalism can be practiced free and fully, promote the flow of information, foster excellence, encourage diversity, and inspire successive generations of talented individuals. The Society also strives to maintain constant
vigilance in the protection of the First Amendment. The SPJ views the press as the cornerstone of our nation and our liberty. 

    The Society was founded in 1909 as the fraternity, Sigma Delta Chi, by 10 students at DePauw University in Greencastle, Indiana. All 10 students were interested in careers in journalism and upheld high standards for their profession. In just two years, chapters started popping up at other universities. These included the Univesity of Denver, Washington University, the University of Virginia, Ohio State, and Purdue.

    With growing success, the Society held its first national convention in 1912 at DePauw University. The convention was very successful and added to the Society's growth in the following years. In 1916 the Society changed from an Honorary to a Professional fraternity and adopted its first code of ethics 10 years later. 
    The Society continued to flourish and expand across the nation and become nationally recognized. In 1973, the Society decided to make a change. They officially changed its name from Sigma Delta Chi to The Society of Professional Journalists and adopted a new code of ethics. With its continued growth and mission to protect the First Amendment, the Society had to update and expand often. 

    Today, that mission still stands. The Society states that it proactively designs initiatives that amplify new and diverse voices for both SPJ and journalism overall. This is one of many reasons why I am
proud to be a member of this society and contribute to its mission of protecting our rights and providing journalism for all.

    The SPJ also works to help produce the future of journalism. They provide leadership and writing resources, help prepare the next generation of journalists, and embrace, enjoy and educate journalists on technology and innovation to craft journalism's future. 

    The Society of Professional Journalists also ensures that the concept of self-government outlined by the United States Constitution remains a reality for future centuries. The American people must be well-informed in order to make decisions regarding their lives, their communities, and their country. It is the role of journalists to provide this information in an accurate, comprehensive, timely, and understandable manner.

    I could not be more excited and honored to be a member of this organization. The role of journalists is vital to our democracy and to have the Society of Professional Journalists as a resource is a great advantage to young journalists. I cannot wait for future opportunities with the Society and hope to come back to this blog post in the future with updates on how I am fulfilling my duty as a future journalist. 


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